Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Did It . . .Portland Marathon 2009!

A week and a half before the Portland Marathon I decided to run the race. Since June I've run two half-marathons and one 10K so I figured now was the best time to run a marathon. I'm not pregnant nor do I have a small baby (my baby just turned 2!) and my body physically is in better shape then it has been in a long time. My goal was to finish the race between 5 and 6 hours and I reached that with 5 hours 34 minutes. A marathon has always been a life long goal that I thought I'd never accomplish, but I DID IT and it feels wonderful. Running the marathon was an amazing experience that I would definitely do again . . . but I'd want to share the experience with people I love. . . like my parents and Garth. . .hint, hint. . .you have a year to get in shape and ready to run/walk!! Thanks for all your support Garth and my girls. I couldn't have done it without you! Here's a little slide show from the event:


  1. I am TOTALLY impressed with you! What a woman!

  2. I'm sooo proud of you!! Don't know if I could do that--the half about killed me. Way to go!!! What an awesome accomplishment!

  3. You absolutely Amaze me Meliss! Way to go!

  4. Way to go Melissa! That is so awesome. Thanks for doing a blog post about it and sharing the pics.

  5. Great picts!! you are amazing!

  6. I am so proud of you girl! You give the WOW factor a whole new meaning. You continue to amaze me. Triumphantly accomplished with you Marathon like your dad. We'll get ready to join you next time. Love, Mom
